Farm Rostěnice a.s. (N49.105 E16.882) manages over 8,300 ha of arable land in South Moravia region of the Czech Republic. The average annual rainfall is 544 mm and the average annual temperature is 8.8°C.

Within the managed land, the prevalence of soil type is Chernozem, Cambisol, haplic Luvisol, Fluvisol near to the water bodies and occasionally also Calcic Leptosols. The main program is plant production where the main focus is on the cultivation of malting barley (2.500 ha), maize for grain and biogas production (2.500 ha), winter wheat (2.000 ha), oilseed rape (1.000 ha) and other crops soybeans and lamb.

The average production intensity is 6 t/ha for malting barley, 7 t/ha winter wheat, 10 t/ha grain maize and 4 t/ha for oilseed rape.

The fields are located in the sloping terrain, for this reason conservation soil tillage practices were implemented for reduction of soil water erosion.

The farm Rostěnice has long-term application of soilless cultivation (mostly choppers) on their land, leaving all the straw after harvest on land. The high spatial variability of soil condition in the southern part of farm led to adoption of precision farming practices, such as variable application of fertilizers (since 2006) and crop yield mapping by harvesters (sice 2012).


Rostenice will be pilot partner, where will be provided test on usage DSS for adaption of farm on climatic changes. Rostenice will also contribute to collection of requirements and partly also to technical work, testing new sensors, defining density of sensors and also cooperate on developing of climate forecast for single filed.